In Spring Data, different repositories provide abstraction for various data storage solutions. The main repositories used are: CRUD Repository CrudRepository<T, ID> is the base interface
Author: techiebug
In Spring Boot, CommandLineRunner is an interface used to execute code after the application context has been initialized. Use Cases: How to Use CommandLineRunner? CommandLineRunner
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These are fundamental properties of database transactions that ensure data integrity and reliability, especially in concurrent environments.
Here’s a comprehensive list of design patterns, categorized into the three main types: Creational, Structural, and Behavioral. These patterns, popularized by the “Gang of Four”
In concurrent package, ArrayBlockingQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, PriorityBlockingQueue, and DelayQueue are implementations of the BlockingQueue interface. Each serves distinct purposes based on their structure and behavior. Below
Java’s Collections provides a set of interfaces and classes to manage and manipulate groups of objects. Below is a comprehensive list of the key interfaces
The file is a central mechanism for configuring your spring boot application. However, Spring Boot provides multiple ways to set and override these properties,
Method overloading vs. method overriding serve different purposes and operate at different levels.Lets understand clearly, compare them, and provide examples to make it crystal clear.
Immutable class is a key concept in Core Java that ensures an object’s state cannot be changed after creation. Lets explore with a practical example
The ExecutorService interface builds on the Executor interface to manage thread pools and execute tasks asynchronously. Java provides several implementations via the Executors utility class,