ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These are fundamental properties of database transactions that ensure data integrity and reliability, especially in concurrent environments.
Category: Spring Boot Features
The file is a central mechanism for configuring your spring boot application. However, Spring Boot provides multiple ways to set and override these properties,
The @CrossOrigin annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for RESTful web services. CORS is a security mechanism that allows
The @ComponentScan annotation in Spring Boot is used to automatically detect and register beans (components, services, repositories, etc.) from the specified package(s) into the Spring
To set up Docker with a Spring Boot application on your local environment, follow these steps. We’ll cover creating a Docker image, running a container,
The error message you’re encountering, Unknown property ‘AddRequestHeader’ for type ‘’, indicates that the property AddRequestHeader is not being recognized as a valid filter in
In Spring, you can control or restrict autowiring for specific classes in several ways, preventing Spring from automatically injecting certain beans. Here are different approaches
In Spring Boot, both Feign and RestTemplate are used to make HTTP calls to external services or microservices, but they have different approaches and use
Spring Cloud Gateway and Spring Cloud Load Balancing are both components in the Spring Cloud ecosystem but serve different purposes in a microservices architecture. Below
In Spring Boot, both @Valid and @Validated annotations are used to trigger validation on data (e.g., request body, method parameters), but they have different use