Difference between Feign and RestTemplate in springboot

In Spring Boot, both Feign and RestTemplate are used to make HTTP calls to external services or microservices, but they have different approaches and use cases. Here’s a detailed comparison between Feign and RestTemplate:

1. What is RestTemplate?

RestTemplate is the original Spring class for making synchronous HTTP requests. It’s part of the Spring Web module and allows you to interact with REST APIs using simple methods for making HTTP requests and handling responses.


  • Provides a low-level, programmatic way to interact with RESTful services.
  • Requires manual construction of HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
  • Offers flexibility in handling HTTP responses (parsing responses, handling headers, status codes).
  • Well-suited for synchronous, blocking HTTP communication.

Example Usage:

private RestTemplate restTemplate;

public String getServiceData() {
    String url = "http://example.com/api/data";
    ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(url, String.class);
    return response.getBody();


To use RestTemplate, you typically need to define it as a bean in your configuration.

public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

2. What is Feign?

Feign is a declarative HTTP client that allows you to write REST client code by simply defining an interface. Feign integrates easily with Spring Boot and is often used in microservices architectures because it simplifies client code, reduces boilerplate, and supports service discovery and load balancing.


  • Declarative way of writing HTTP clients, meaning you don’t have to write the HTTP requests explicitly.
  • Built-in integration with Spring Cloud for service discovery (using Eureka, Consul) and load balancing (Ribbon).
  • Easily handles request and response mapping without the need for much boilerplate code.
  • Supports custom HTTP headers, timeouts, and retries.
  • Can work seamlessly with circuit breakers like Resilience4j or Hystrix for fault tolerance.

Example Usage:

@FeignClient(name = "my-service", url = "http://example.com")
public interface MyServiceClient {

    String getData();

And then, to call the client:

private MyServiceClient myServiceClient;

public String getServiceData() {
    return myServiceClient.getData();


To use Feign in a Spring Boot application, you need to enable it by adding the @EnableFeignClients annotation.

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

3. Comparison Between Feign and RestTemplate

Ease of UseMore manual setup required, especially for complex requestsSimplified, declarative approach using interfaces.
Boilerplate CodeRequires a lot of boilerplate code to make requests, handle errors, etc.Minimal boilerplate, you just define an interface.
Service DiscoveryRequires manual integration with Ribbon or EurekaBuilt-in support for service discovery and load balancing.
Load BalancingRequires manual integration (e.g., Ribbon)Supports load balancing natively (with Ribbon).
Circuit BreakerRequires separate configuration (e.g., Resilience4j or Hystrix)Integrates easily with Hystrix or Resilience4j.
Error HandlingMore manual error handling, exception handling, etc.Can define error decoders and handle errors globally.
Asynchronous SupportRequires AsyncRestTemplate for non-blocking callsBy default synchronous, but with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer can support non-blocking calls
Request CustomizationFull control over HTTP request constructionCustomizable, but relies on request templates and annotations.
Integration with Spring CloudWorks with Spring Cloud but requires additional configurationDeeply integrated with Spring Cloud ecosystem (e.g., Eureka, Ribbon, Circuit Breakers).

4. Use Cases: When to Use Feign or RestTemplate?

When to Use RestTemplate:

  • Simple HTTP calls: If you are just calling a few external APIs and don’t need much configuration or abstraction.
  • Low-level HTTP control: If you need complete control over the HTTP request, headers, response handling, or need to deal with edge cases, RestTemplate provides more granular control.
  • Backwards Compatibility: If you are maintaining older Spring Boot applications that already use RestTemplate, it’s better to stick with it unless there is a need for a major refactor.

When to Use Feign:

  • Microservices Architecture: In a microservices setup, especially with Spring Cloud, Feign fits well with service discovery and declarative HTTP clients.
  • Declarative HTTP Clients: When you prefer to define REST clients as interfaces without having to deal with HTTP-level details, Feign simplifies things.
  • Automatic Service Discovery & Load Balancing: Feign works well when integrated with Eureka and Ribbon, making it a good choice for a microservices environment.
  • Circuit Breaker Integration: If you want built-in fault tolerance mechanisms such as Hystrix or Resilience4j, Feign integrates better with these patterns.

5. Deprecation of RestTemplate and the Move to WebClient

As of Spring 5, RestTemplate has been deprecated in favor of WebClient, a more modern, non-blocking HTTP client designed for reactive programming.


  • It’s part of the Spring WebFlux module, and it can be used for both synchronous and asynchronous (non-blocking) requests.
  • WebClient is more powerful and flexible compared to RestTemplate and is designed to handle reactive, event-driven use cases.
private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;

public String getServiceData() {
    WebClient webClient = webClientBuilder.build();
    return webClient.get()


  • Use Feign if you are working in a Spring Cloud microservices architecture where you need service discovery, load balancing, and minimal boilerplate.
  • Use RestTemplate for simple, blocking HTTP calls or if you need fine-grained control over the HTTP request.
  • Consider WebClient for new projects if you require non-blocking, reactive calls, as it’s the modern alternative to RestTemplate.

For microservices projects with Spring Cloud, Feign is often the better choice due to its simplicity and integration with the Spring ecosystem.

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