How to Implement ACID in Spring Boot ?

ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These are fundamental properties of database transactions that ensure data integrity and reliability, especially in concurrent environments. While ACID is a database concept, Spring Boot provides mechanisms (via its transaction management features).

1. Atomicity

  • Definition: Ensures that a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit. Either all operations in the transaction are completed successfully, or none of them are applied (all-or-nothing).
  • Example: Transferring money between two bank accounts—either both the debit and credit happen, or neither does.

2. Consistency

  • Definition: Guarantees that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another, adhering to all defined rules, constraints, and data integrity requirements.
  • Example: After a money transfer, the total balance across accounts remains consistent with business rules (e.g., no negative balances).

3. Isolation

  • Definition: Ensures that transactions are executed in isolation from one another. Intermediate changes from one transaction are not visible to others until the transaction is complete.
  • Example: If two users update the same account simultaneously, one transaction doesn’t see the other’s uncommitted changes.

4. Durability

  • Definition: Guarantees that once a transaction is committed, its changes are permanently saved, even in the event of a system failure (e.g., power outage).
  • Example: After a transfer is committed, the new balances are persisted to disk and survive crashes.

ACID in Spring Boot

In Spring Boot, ACID properties are not implemented by Spring itself but are enforced by the underlying database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) and managed through Spring’s transaction management. Spring Boot leverages the Spring Framework’s @Transactional annotation and its integration with JPA (Hibernate) or JDBC to ensure these properties are upheld. Here’s how:

  • Atomicity: Spring ensures all operations within a @Transactional method either succeed or roll back if an error occurs.
  • Consistency: Enforced by the database (e.g., constraints like NOT NULL, foreign keys) and your application logic within the transaction.
  • Isolation: Configurable via Spring’s transaction isolation levels (e.g., READ_COMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE).
  • Durability: Handled by the database’s persistence mechanisms (e.g., write-ahead logging), with Spring ensuring proper commit.

Spring Boot simplifies this with its auto-configuration of data sources and transaction managers, making it seamless to work with ACID-compliant databases.

How to Implement ACID in Spring Boot

Let’s implement a Spring Boot application that demonstrates ACID properties using a simple banking example: transferring money between two accounts. We’ll use Spring Data JPA with an H2 in-memory database for simplicity.

Step 1: Set Up the Spring Boot Project

  1. Create a Spring Boot Project:
    • Use Spring Initializr ( with:
      • Dependencies: Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, H2 Database.
      • Java version: 17 (or your preferred version).
    • Download and open in your IDE.
  2. Configure spring.datasource.driverClassName=org.h2.Driver spring.datasource.username=sa spring.datasource.password= spring.jpa.database-platform=org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect spring.h2.console.enabled=true spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update

Step 2: Define the Entity

Create an Account entity to represent a bank account.

import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;

public class Account {
    private Long id;
    private String accountHolder;
    private double balance;

    // Constructors
    public Account() {}
    public Account(Long id, String accountHolder, double balance) { = id;
        this.accountHolder = accountHolder;
        this.balance = balance;

    // Getters and Setters
    public Long getId() { return id; }
    public void setId(Long id) { = id; }
    public String getAccountHolder() { return accountHolder; }
    public void setAccountHolder(String accountHolder) { this.accountHolder = accountHolder; }
    public double getBalance() { return balance; }
    public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; }

Step 3: Create a Repository

Define a repository interface to interact with the Account entity.


public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, Long> {

Step 4: Implement the Service with @Transactional

Create a service class to handle the money transfer logic, using @Transactional to enforce ACID properties.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

public class BankingService {

    private AccountRepository accountRepository;

    public void transferMoney(Long fromAccountId, Long toAccountId, double amount) {
        // Fetch accounts
        Account fromAccount = accountRepository.findById(fromAccountId)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("From account not found"));
        Account toAccount = accountRepository.findById(toAccountId)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("To account not found"));

        // Check sufficient balance (Consistency)
        if (fromAccount.getBalance() < amount) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Insufficient balance");

        // Perform the transfer (Atomicity)
        fromAccount.setBalance(fromAccount.getBalance() - amount);
        toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount);

        // Save changes;;

        // Simulate an error to test rollback (Atomicity)
        if (true) { // Remove this condition to test normal flow
            throw new RuntimeException("Simulated error after transfer");
  • Explanation:
    • Atomicity: The @Transactional annotation ensures that if an exception occurs (e.g., the simulated error), all changes (debit and credit) are rolled back.
    • Consistency: The balance check enforces a business rule, and JPA/database constraints (e.g., NOT NULL) ensure data integrity.
    • Isolation: By default, Spring uses the database’s default isolation level (e.g., READ_COMMITTED in H2), preventing dirty reads.
    • Durability: Once committed, H2 (or any ACID-compliant DB) ensures changes are persisted.

Step 5: Test the Implementation

Create a controller or main class to test the transfer.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class AcidDemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    private BankingService bankingService;

    private AccountRepository accountRepository;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        // Initialize accounts Account(1L, "Alice", 1000.0)); Account(2L, "Bob", 500.0));

        try {
            System.out.println("Before transfer: Alice=" + accountRepository.findById(1L).get().getBalance() +
                    ", Bob=" + accountRepository.findById(2L).get().getBalance());
            bankingService.transferMoney(1L, 2L, 200.0);
            System.out.println("After transfer: Alice=" + accountRepository.findById(1L).get().getBalance() +
                    ", Bob=" + accountRepository.findById(2L).get().getBalance());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Transfer failed: " + e.getMessage());
            System.out.println("After failed transfer: Alice=" + accountRepository.findById(1L).get().getBalance() +
                    ", Bob=" + accountRepository.findById(2L).get().getBalance());
  • Output (with simulated error):Before transfer: Alice=1000.0, Bob=500.0 Transfer failed: Simulated error after transfer After failed transfer: Alice=1000.0, Bob=500.0
    • The rollback ensures Atomicity—no partial updates occur.
  • Output (without error, remove if (true) condition):Before transfer: Alice=1000.0, Bob=500.0 After transfer: Alice=800.0, Bob=700.0

Step 6: Customize Transaction Behavior

You can fine-tune ACID properties using @Transactional attributes:

  • Isolation Level:java@Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE) public void transferMoney(Long fromAccountId, Long toAccountId, double amount) { ... }
    • SERIALIZABLE ensures full isolation but may impact performance.
  • Propagation:java@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
    • Starts a new transaction, suspending any existing one.
  • Rollback Rules:java@Transactional(rollbackOn = Exception.class)
    • Rolls back on any Exception, not just runtime exceptions.

How Spring Boot Ensures ACID

  1. Atomicity: Spring’s transaction manager (e.g., JpaTransactionManager) coordinates with the database to commit or roll back all operations within a @Transactional block.
  2. Consistency: Relies on database constraints and your application logic. Spring doesn’t enforce this directly but ensures rollback if constraints fail.
  3. Isolation: Spring delegates to the database’s isolation level, configurable via @Transactional(isolation = …).
  4. Durability: Handled by the database (e.g., H2’s write-ahead logging). Spring ensures proper commit calls.


  • Database Support: Ensure your database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) supports ACID. H2 does, but its in-memory nature limits durability in production unless configured to persist.
  • Performance: Higher isolation levels (e.g., SERIALIZABLE) may cause locking and slow down concurrent transactions.
  • Error Handling: Always test rollback scenarios to verify Atomicity.

This implementation demonstrates how Spring Boot leverages @Transactional to enforce ACID properties in a practical scenario.

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