Core Java Tutorial requires a solid grasp of foundational concepts, practical coding skills, and the ability to articulate your understanding clearly. Below is a comprehensive list of topics and areas to focus on, designed to help you shine in an interview for a role that emphasizes Core Java.
1. Java Basics
Why It Matters: These are the building blocks of Java knowledge—interviewers often start here to gauge your fundamentals.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Java Features: Platform independence, OOP, robustness, security, multithreading.
- JVM, JRE, JDK: Roles and differences (e.g., JVM executes bytecode, JDK includes JRE + tools).
- Data Types: Primitive (int, double, char) vs. Wrapper classes (Integer, Double).
- Variables and Scope: Local, instance, static.
- Type Casting: Widening (int to long) vs. narrowing (double to int).
- Literals: Integer (e.g., 10, 0xA), floating-point (e.g., 3.14), char (‘a’).
- Example Question: “How does Java achieve platform independence?”
- Answer: Java compiles code to bytecode (via javac), which the JVM interprets on any platform with a compatible JRE, abstracting OS-specific details.
- Tip: Be ready to explain public static void main(String[] args)—why it’s static, public, and what args is for.
2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Why It Matters: Java is fundamentally OOP-based, and interviewers test your ability to design and reason about objects.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Classes and Objects: Declaration, instantiation (e.g., Car car = new Car();).
- Encapsulation: Private fields, public getters/setters.
- Inheritance: extends, method overriding, super keyword.
- Polymorphism: Compile-time (overloading) vs. runtime (overriding).
- Abstraction: Abstract classes vs. interfaces (pre- and post-Java 8 differences).
- ** Constructors**: Default, parameterized, constructor chaining.
- Example Question: “What’s the difference between an abstract class and an interface?”
- Answer: Abstract classes can have state (fields) and partial implementation; interfaces (before Java 8) are purely abstract. Post-Java 8, interfaces can have default and static methods.
- Tip: Practice coding a simple class hierarchy (e.g., Animal → Dog, Cat) with overridden methods.
3. Core Java Concepts
Why It Matters: These are the nuts and bolts of Java programming—expect coding or deep-dive questions.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Strings: Immutability, String vs. StringBuilder vs. StringBuffer.
- Example: String s = “hello”; s += “world”; creates new objects vs. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“hello”).append(“world”);.
- Arrays: Declaration, initialization, multi-dimensional arrays.
- Control Flow: if-else, switch, for, while, break, continue.
- Exception Handling: try-catch, finally, throw, throws, custom exceptions.
- Example: try { int x = 1/0; } catch (ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println(“Error”); }.
- Access Modifiers: public, private, protected, default.
- Static Keyword: Static variables, methods, blocks, nested classes.
- Strings: Immutability, String vs. StringBuilder vs. StringBuffer.
- Example Question: “Why are Strings immutable in Java?”
- Answer: For security (e.g., in class loading), thread-safety, and memory efficiency (string pool).
- Tip: Write code to handle exceptions and manipulate strings—interviewers may ask you to code on a whiteboard or IDE.
4. Collections Framework
Why It Matters: Collections are heavily used in real-world Java apps, and mastery shows practical experience.
- Topics to Prepare:
- List: ArrayList (dynamic size) vs. LinkedList (fast insertions).
- Set: HashSet (unordered, unique) vs. TreeSet (sorted).
- Map: HashMap (key-value, unsorted) vs. TreeMap (sorted keys).
- Queue: PriorityQueue, Deque.
- Iterators: Iterator vs. ListIterator, for-each loop.
- Common Methods: add(), remove(), contains(), size().
- Example Question: “How does HashMap work internally?”
- Answer: Uses an array of buckets; keys are hashed (hashCode()), mapped to an index, and stored as Entry objects. Handles collisions with linked lists (or trees in Java 8+).
- Tip: Practice coding problems like “Remove duplicates from a list” or “Find frequency of words in a sentence” using collections.
5. Multithreading and Concurrency
Why It Matters: Concurrency is a key strength of Java, and interviewers test your ability to handle parallelism.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Threads: Creating via Thread class or Runnable interface.
- Synchronization: synchronized keyword, avoiding race conditions.
- Thread Lifecycle: New, Runnable, Blocked, Waiting, Terminated.
- Concurrency Utilities: ExecutorService, ThreadPool, Callable, Future.
- Locks: ReentrantLock, volatile keyword.
- Deadlock: Causes and prevention.
- Example Question: “What’s the difference between wait() and sleep()?”
- Answer: wait() releases the lock and waits for notify(); sleep() holds the lock and pauses for a set time.
- Tip: Code a producer-consumer problem using threads to demonstrate synchronization.
6. Java 8+ Features
Why It Matters: Modern Java roles expect familiarity with newer, functional-style features.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Lambda Expressions: Syntax (e.g., (a, b) -> a + b), use with functional interfaces.
- Streams: filter(), map(), collect() (e.g., -> x > 5).collect(Collectors.toList())).
- Optional: Avoiding NullPointerException (e.g., Optional.ofNullable(obj).orElse(defaultValue)).
- Functional Interfaces: Predicate, Consumer, Supplier.
- Default Methods: In interfaces (e.g., default void log() { … }).
- Example Question: “How would you find the sum of even numbers in a list using Streams?”
- Answer: -> n % 2 == 0).mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum();.
- Tip: Practice converting loops to streams—interviewers love this.
7. Memory Management and Garbage Collection
Why It Matters: Understanding Java’s internals shows depth and can set you apart.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Heap Structure: Young Generation (Eden, Survivor), Old Generation.
- Garbage Collectors: Serial, Parallel, G1 (default in Java 9+).
- Memory Leaks: Causes (e.g., unclosed resources).
- Finalization: finalize() (deprecated), try-with-resources.
- Example Question: “How does Garbage Collection work in Java?”
- Answer: JVM identifies unreachable objects via mark-and-sweep, reclaims memory, and compacts the heap to reduce fragmentation.
- Tip: Be ready to explain OutOfMemoryError scenarios and mitigation (e.g., increase heap with -Xmx).
8. Coding and Problem-Solving
Why It Matters: You’ll likely face live coding or whiteboard challenges—practice is key.
- Topics to Prepare:
- Reverse a string/array.
- Find duplicates in an array.
- Implement a singleton class.
- Sort a list (e.g., using Comparable/Comparator).
- Basic recursion (e.g., factorial, Fibonacci).
- Example: Reverse a String:java
public String reverse(String str) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str); return sb.reverse().toString(); }
- Tip: Use an online editor (e.g., LeetCode, HackerRank) to practice 20-30 problems.
9. Common Interview Questions
Why It Matters: Anticipating these helps you prepare concise, confident answers.
Core Java Difference Between Questions:
- Understand the Difference of Method overloading and Method overriding
- Understand the difference between Comparator and Comparable Interfaces
- Difference between Yield and Return in Switch statement
- Choosing the Right Java Version: 8, 11, or 17
- Difference Between ifPresent() and ifPresentOrElse() in Optional
- Difference Between map() and flatMap() in Java Streams
- Difference between Checked and UnChecked Exceptions in Java
- Difference between Primitive Array and Object Array in Java
- Difference between equals() and == in Java
- Difference Between Clonable Interface vs Serializable Interface
- Difference Between StringBuilder vs StringBuffer with Examples
- Difference Between Functional Interfaces and Default Interfaces in Java?
Java 8 Related Questions :
- Difference Between ifPresent() and ifPresentOrElse() in Optional
- Usage of flatMap() in Java Streams
- Usage of reduce() in Java Streams
- 5 Advanced reduce() Examples in Java Streams API
- Difference Between map() and flatMap() in Java Streams
- What is Java 8 ? and Why it is so popular version ?
- Java Streams sorted() Method with Examples
- Sorting JSON Data Using Java Streams with an Example
- 50 different types of Java Stream API Examples
- Map Manipulation Examples using Java Streams
10. Practical Tips for Preparation
- Code Daily: Use platforms like LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks, or write small projects (e.g., a calculator, library system).
- Review Java Docs: Skim java.lang, java.util for key classes/methods.
- Mock Interviews: Practice with a friend or tools like Pramp.
- Brush Up Theory: Revisit “Effective Java” (Joshua Bloch) or online tutorials.
- Know Your Resume: Be ready to explain any Java projects listed.
Sample Study Plan (1-2 Weeks)
- Day 1-2: Basics, OOP, Strings.
- Day 3-4: Collections, Exception Handling.
- Day 5-6: Multithreading, Java 8 Features.
- Day 7-8: Memory Management, Coding Practice.
- Day 9-10: Review, Mock Interviews.