min and max formula

6 Easy ways to Understand the MIN and MAX Excel Formula

To determine the minimum value inside the given range, use the MIN formula. The MAX Formula is used to determine the highest value within the given range.

Syntax :

MIN(number1, [number2], …)

Arguments :

Number1 - Can be a Range, Constant Number
Number2 - Can be a Range, Constant Number

Main Usages :

MAX and MIN Formulas are primarily used to find and values in real time. For example, we can use this to find the minimum and maximum numbers in a large list.

Examples :

Let us see some of the real-time examples we face on MIN and MAX.

Scenario-1 : Finding the Minimum Amount from the Range

The below formula is used to find the minimum value in the range.

Syntax :


Since D6:D15 was used as the range in the aforementioned example, the controller will search for the lowest values that fall within this range. The outcome is 240.

Scanario-2 : Finding the Minimum Amount with Multiple Ranges

Below example is used to find the minimum value with multiple ranges.

Syntax :


In above example we have used 2 different ranges, from those two ranges we are identifying the minimum value. So the result will be 240.

Scanario-3 : Finding the Minimum amount from String Type with Number Type

Below example is used to find the minimum value with multiple data types.

Syntax :


In the preceding example, we used two different data types; B6:B9 will contain String Data, whereas D10:D12 will contain Numbers, so the controller will look for the minimum value from D10:D12. As a result, the answer is 35000.

Scenario-4 : Finding the maximum Amount from the Range

The below formula is used to find the maximum value in the range.

Syntax :


In above example, we have used the range as D7:D12, so the controller look for the maximum values available in this range. So the Result is 240.

Scanario-5 : Finding the Maximum Amount with Multiple Ranges

Below example is used to find the maximum value with multiple ranges.

Syntax :


In above example we have used 2 different ranges, from those two ranges we are identifying the maximum value. So the result will be 240.

Scanario-6 : Finding the Maximum number from the String

Below example is used to find the maximum value with different data type.

Syntax :


In above example we have used different data type, cell B6:B15 will contain String Data. So the result will be 0.

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