Java String Storage Mechanism with Example

In Java, the String class stores its characters in a character array in memory. The character array is stored in a private final field within the String object, and the length of the array is stored in another private final field.

When a String object is created, memory is dynamically allocated on the heap to store the string. This memory is automatically managed by the Java garbage collector, which frees up memory that is no longer being used by the program.

Since the String class is immutable, the character array is declared as final to prevent any modification to the string once it has been created. This ensures that the value of a String object cannot be changed after it has been created, making it safe to use in multi-threaded environments.

When a String object is created, its value is stored in the character array. The memory for the String object and its character array is allocated on the heap, and the String object is accessible through a reference.

When a String object is concatenated with another String object, a new String object is created that contains the concatenated value. The original String objects are not modified, but rather a new object is created to hold the result of the concatenation.

In summary, the String class stores its characters in a private final character array, and the memory for the String object and its character array is allocated on the heap. The String class is immutable, and its value cannot be changed after it has been created.

In Java, strings are stored in memory as objects of the String class. The String class is immutable, meaning that once a string object is created, its value cannot be changed.

When a string is concatenated with another string using the + operator, a new string object is created that contains the concatenated value. The original string objects are not modified, but rather a new object is created to hold the result of the concatenation.

For example:

String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = "World";
String s3 = s1 + " " + s2;

In this example, two string objects are created for s1 and s2, and a third string object is created for s3 which holds the concatenated value of s1 and s2.

The creation of new string objects during string concatenation can be an expensive operation in terms of memory usage and performance. To address this, the StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes were introduced. These classes allow for the modification of strings in place, rather than creating new objects, and provide a more efficient mechanism for manipulating strings in Java.

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